A Prayer.


We bring our hearts before Father, Son, and Spirit. 

Breathe on us. Reflect back to us what we are, what holes need to be filled with grace and mercy. Show us how we have taken on arrows, or let parts of ourselves fade to apathy. 

Wash us so we can live truly in freedom, untethered from the tricks of worry or opinion. Tethered to your strength, power, and grace. Tethered to your endless ability through love. 

Through love that cleanses, we are able to rise up. Through love that offers, that bridges worlds, we are drawn deep into the love of Father, Son, and Spirit. Through love that burns, we are able to overcome our fears. 

Through mercy we are invited into your being, to walk in your glittering shadow, to find rest in coming home to you. Through mercy we invite others to come closer, to find rest. 

Help us to be very near.

To curl up in our home in you, next to your heart. 

Cleanse us, restore us. Let our palms flow with love for others, giving life to all we touch. Give us peace that passes all understanding. Help us to live in this peace.



“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33