Episode #8 - Imagination on Luke 10:25-37 with Neil


Hi everyone. The sky is full of lightning this evening, with warm, wet air blowing through my window. 

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* I give the introduction on my own, since Ro is away for a couple of days. I talk a bit about the past week, including Christmas-size lunches, unconditional love, a few useful words, more weeding, and a bake sale. 

* Neil guides an imagination meditation on Luke 10:25-37, the story of the Samaritan who stopped to help an injured man. (If you want to skip straight to this, it’s at 09:03)

Here’s the episode on iTunes. 

Here it is on Youtube.

This week I pray you have a glimmer of excitement about the days to come, like when you were a little kid watching the rain. 

~ Rae


The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on Patreon.com and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. Thanks especially to our new patron, Matt Tresser! You are wonderful.